Bumps or Swelling at the Injection Site: These usually go away within 30 minutes as the product settles. Please don’t be massaging or touching the area.
Mild Headaches: Some experience slight headaches post-treatment—this should subside within 36 hours. If needed, take Tylenol (avoid aspirin or ibuprofen).
Bruising: If bruising occurs, it should fade within a few days to a week. Avoid alcohol until the bruising disappears. You can gently apply makeup to cover any marks.
Tenderness or Redness: Apply a cool compress in short intervals to reduce discomfort. Keep the skin moisturized with a gentle, fragrance-free product.
Itching or Skin Sensitivity: Itching may occur due to alcohol prep before injection. Apply hydrocortisone 1% with Aquaphor® or Vaseline® as needed. An oral antihistamine like Benadryl®, Allegra®, or Claritin® can help if necessary.
If you have any concerns or experience unusual reactions, reach out to your provider for further guidance. Following these simple steps will help you enjoy the best results from your treatment!
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