Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds or use of sunless tanner. Sunburned or tanned skin increases the risk of complications. Use SPF 30+ daily if you must be outdoors. Avoid sunless tanner use for optimum results.
Discontinue retinoids, exfoliants, and active skincare products, including AHAs, BHAs, vitamin C, and benzoyl peroxide, to prevent skin sensitivity.
Stay hydrated and maintain a healthy diet to support circulation and healing.
If prone to cold sores, take an antiviral medication 24-48 hours before your appointment to reduce the risk of an outbreak.
48 Hours Before Treatment
Avoid alcohol and caffeine, as they can contribute to increased redness and sensitivity.
Stop using blood-thinning medications and supplements, including aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil®, Motrin®), naproxen (Aleve®), fish oil, and vitamin E, unless prescribed by your doctor.
Do not wax, tweeze, shave, or use hair removal creams on the treatment area, as this can cause irritation.
Day of Treatment
Arrive with clean, makeup-free, and product-free skin. Do not apply lotions, oils, or deodorant to the treatment area.
Topical Anesthetics should be used only as directed by your provider and only if necessary.
Wear loose, comfortable clothing if treating areas on the body to avoid friction post-treatment.
Avoid intense exercise or excessive sweating before your appointment.
Eat a light meal beforehand to avoid lightheadedness.
Inform your provider of any recent health changes, including new medications, pregnancy, or medical conditions that may affect your treatment.
Following these pre-treatment instructions will help ensure a smooth procedure and optimal results. If you have any questions, contact Azure Dream MedSpa before your appointment.